Tourism Managers In Babel Asked To Be Prepared For Rescue Teams During The 2023 New Year Holiday Moment

KEPRI - A tourist attraction manager in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel) was asked to prepare a rescue team during the 2023 New Year holiday.

Head of the Bangka Belitung Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Mikron Antariksa, said preparations needed to be made, especially in the management of tourist attractions in coastal areas.

"We ask the management of this tourist and recreational object to prepare a rescue team, given the extreme weather conditions during the 2023 school, Christmas and New Year holidays," he said in Pangkalpinang, Babel, Wednesday, December 28.

In addition, he said, the manager must also prepare supporting facilities and infrastructure for rescue and first aid efforts in accidents.

"The rescue workers are accompanied by this safety equipment (needed) to provide first aid in case of an accident or a visitor being dragged by the waves," he said, quoted by Antara.

He emphasized the importance of increasing security due to increased tourist visits at tourist attractions during the 2023 New Year holidays.

"Currently, the weather conditions are quite extreme, high waves are accompanied by heavy rain, so this is quite dangerous for the safety of beach visitors," he said.

"In the event of high waves and tides, it is hoped that visitors will not go down to the water and go ahead to view the sea from the ground, because this is very dangerous for safety," he said.