Eradication Of Murder In Family Throughout 2022: When Healthy Is No More Securities

JAKARTA - Families who are supposed to be shelters, sometimes become dangerous places.rrival, stress, the inability to control anger sometimes makes a person dark their eyes to the point of killing a family member's life.

VOI gathered a number of murder cases committed by family members:

Lentina Dora (29) had the heart to kill her two children, DIJ (5) and RSR (11 months) using poison. After both died, Lentina immediately hanged herself.

The incident that occurred at Perum Jati Putra Asri, Garut Regency on April 15, 2022, was revealed from the results of the crime scene and autopsy conducted by the police.

According to Garut Police Chief AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono, strong evidence shows that Lentina had killed her two children was known from fingerprints on a glass containing dragon fruit.

The same fingerprints were also obtained in a washing soap wrap mixed with dragon fruit juice given by Lentina to her two children.

In addition to Lentina's fingerprints, there were also her children's fingerprints and no other people's fingerprints were found. Indicating no other person's involvement in the murder of the two children," said Wirdhanto.

Then, after his two children died, Lentina then committed suicide by hanging herself using a cloth carrying a baby at the door of her room, "continued Wirdhanto.

When found by her husband, Lentina's body was lying on the floor near the bedroom door. The cloth carrying the baby used to trap his neck was cut off by friction with a sharp wooden frame a few hours later. While the two children were lying on the bed.

From a number of evidences at the crime scene, Lentina was desperate to do that because she knew her husband was having an affair with another woman.

"We found evidence of an SMS written by the victim to her husband on Friday, April 15, 2022, at 18.30 WIB. Using regional language (Batak), the wife basically invited her husband to live alone with a new woman or have an affair. The victim also asked her husband to forget himself and his two children," added Wirdhanto.

The murder took place at Pondok Jatiajar Housing, Depok on November 1. Rizky Noviandi Achmad blindly slashed his wife, NI (29) and his eldest daughter, KCP (11).

NI is critical because he suffered stab wounds to his face and body. Meanwhile, KCP died at the location due to stab wounds all over his body ranging from the head, eyes, neck, to the hands and fingers.

On the day of the incident, Rizky just returned home at around 02.00 WIB in the morning after consuming methamphetamine with his friends. NI, who was tired of her husband's behavior, then reprimanded him.

NI, according to the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Depok Metro Police, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Yogen Heroes Baruno, also mentioned Rizky's debt at the bank which had not yet been repaid. The two then fought.

Rizky actually tried to calm himself down by carrying out the morning in congregation to the mosque. However, upon arrival at home, his anger re-emerged when he saw that NI was packing up to go to his parents' house with his two children.

Rizky had asked KCP, who was already wearing a school uniform, to join him or his mother. However, KCP just fell silent and ignored the father's question.

"That's where the perpetrator's anger peaked," said Yogen.

He immediately took a machete under the living room table and stabbed his wife to the ground. KCP, who was trying to escape, did not escape Rizky's anger.

I made a mistake, I have never been valued as a man. My self-esteem is often trampled on by my wife, as well as my child. I have educated him and taught him with all kinds of recitation and tutoring, but always did not answer if I asked him," said Rizky.

A similar murder also occurred in Indramayu. The perpetrator is Murtado (27), the victim's youngest child. On October 1, 2022, he pretended to ask for help from his father, Casim (72) looking for a cobra that entered his house.

With sincere intentions to help, Casim went to Murtado's house, which is not too far from his residence. While looking for a snake, Murtado immediately killed Casim.

"First, he was beaten, he hasn't died, he continues to use a machete three times," said Indramayu Police Chief AKBP M Lukman Syarif.

Murtado then buried his father's body in an empty land near his house. To cover up his heinous act, he covered his father's grave with plants.

"The motive is inheritance. So there are six brothers, the perpetrator is the youngest brother," said Lukman.

The action was uncovered on 27 November, after his older brother Fatma reported Murtado to the police.

The heinous act of murder of a parent by a child also took place in Magelang on November 28. The perpetrator was a 22-year-old child named Dhio Daffa. He deliberately poisoned his father, mother, and brother to death.

In fact, from Dhio's confession, he had attempted the murder before. Dhio mixed poison into tea and coffee that the three victims would consume. In the first trial, the victim only experienced nausea and vomiting.

A few days later, Dhio added a dose of poison until finally the three died in the house.

The initial motive, according to the Acting Head of Magelang Police, AKBP Mochammad Sajarod Zakun, was because he was hurt. Dhio felt that his parents loved him more than him.

Dhio had to bear the needs of his family and pay his father's debt. Meanwhile, his brother did not get the same burden.

"It hurts because the alleged father of the perpetrator two months ago just retired and the need for households is quite high because his parents have a disease, for medical expenses," said Acting Head of Magelang Police.

However, the family denied and said Dhio's confession was only self-defense.

"It's not true at all. When it comes to money, that's enough. Wong, he (the suspect) doesn't work, if he becomes a backbone, what is the basis for self-defense only. Parents who have been taking part in this. In fact, every month parents give money," said the suspect's uncle, Sukoco (69).

"That's a lot of lies, likes to lie. He admits that he works at KAI, admits that, but I also don't know because there is no evidence. Likes to admit that there is this business, that business," continued Sukoco.

Likewise, regarding disease, the family has never heard of the family suffering from disease.

"I know exactly because the deceased, if anything goes wrong, we call and come to the house," Heri Riyani, the victim's older brother added.