Families Of Victims Of 6 FPI Special Troops Refuse To Become Witnesses

JAKARTA - The family of six special laskar for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) decided to refuse to be questioned as witnesses. Originally they were made witnesses in the laskar attack case against members of the National Police.

"In formal terms, yesterday they sent a letter to investigators and stated that they have resigned as a witness," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Andi Rian, to reporters, Tuesday, December 22.

Andi said the reason they were not willing to be witnesses was because they still had family ties. So that, later on, their statements are considered not objective. Moreover, this rejection is also permissible in Article 168 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

However, Andi did not elaborate on whether the rejection would affect the investigation process. Although, so far investigators have examined dozens of witnesses and experts.

"There is a family relationship with the perpetrators," he said.

Previously it was reported that the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) had examined 78 witnesses behind the attack on police officers by six special laskar of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). The witnesses came from all parties who were aware of the case.

"As of today, we have examined 78 witnesses and 7 experts," said Head of Criminal Investigation of the National Police, Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to reporters, Monday, December 21.

Listyo said that the dozens of witnesses consisted of people around the scene, victim witnesses (police officers), and Jasa Marga officers. Meanwhile, for experts from Puslabfor, forensics, cyber and criminal.

"Then 37 witnesses from KM 50, 22 other witnesses who were around, then there are 4 people who are currently victim witnesses," he said.

"12 officers at the KM 50 location, 3 officers from the National Police Hospital, 2 experts from Puslabfor, 3 experts from forensics, 1 cyber expert, and 1 criminal expert," continued Listyo.