Israel's 1,200 AU Veterans VOICE Hazard Concerns Of Benjamin Netanyahu's Administration

JAKARTA - About 1,200 Israeli Air Force veterans, including the country's former military chief of staff, voiced concerns over the upcoming right-wing ultranationalist government, under elected prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"The common thing we have today is the fear that an Israeli democracy is in danger," in a letter to the Supreme Court and other top officials.

Not only that, but veterans also refer to legal officials as "the last line of defense", asking them to do everything in their power to "stop disasters" that affect the country.

Among nearly 1,200 signatories were Dan Halutz, Israeli Military Commander from 2005 to 2007, former Air Force Chief of Staff Avihu Ben-Nun and former military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin.

Netanyahu himself returned to power after winning the November 1 election. He will present his government to parliament on Thursday.

Although the composition of its cabinet has not been announced, analysts call Netanyahu's government the far-right wing of Israel's history.

On Monday, the Supreme Court ordered Netanyahu and far-right leader Itamar Ben Gvir, nominated for the position of National Security Minister, to respond within two days of a petition demanding the court block Ben Gvir's appointment.

The petition was filed by Tag Meir, a grassroots organization against hate crimes and religious racism.

Netanyahu himself defended his choice as Minister of National Security, adding that Ben Gvir had "modified his many views".

Previously in several interviews since his election victory, Netanyahu underestimated the role of his coalition partners, such as Ben Gvir.

"I will rule and I will lead, and I will run this government," he told Al Arabiya.

"(Other parties) join us; they will follow my policy," he said.