According To Science, This Is The Reason Why Many People Treat Cats

YOGYAKARTA - According to historical records, cats and humans have only interacted since 5,300 years ago. However, the Egyptian since before the masehi had been friendly with cats. Does this note relate to the reasons why people like cats?

Eva-Maria Geigl, director of the French National Center for Scientific Research at the Institute of Jacques Monod Epigenomics and Paleogenomics, said that cats become tame because they live close to human settlements. In settlements there is food, namelyselurders preying on seeds and crops. With these conditions, cats adapt to the human environment. Humans are also very interested in raising cats to drive away prey predators from the harvest.

Launching Medical News Today, Tuesday, December 27, research shows there are 13 cat genes that mark a transitional period, between wild and more friendly life. The gene is associated with cognition and behavior, and may be related to the cat's ability to learn to overcome fear in humans. So what do humans like from this same hairy animal?

The interaction of humans, described by Dr. Patricia Pendry of Wahington State University. Humans and cats, have very strong emotional ties. In his speculation, Pendry said that cats give humans a subtle response. If cats like humans, it means that the person is considered special by cats. And vice versa, humans also naturally find it difficult to break free from cute courts or friction of spoiled cats in human feet.

Cats have a mysterious reputation and areliny because of how they have a unique and sometimes subtle way of expressing feelings. Cat faces may seem attractive or angry, as they may be. But they don't change and most don't express themselves.

The cat's tail is also wisting to sign joy or pleasure.

Likewise, the vocalization of cats, which are large in number, ranging from mengong to menghubung, scolding birds through windows, to mengong deeply, which indicates a fight.

The ways cats communicate above, are also aimed at humans. Say, your cat at home loosens in the morning when asking for breakfast. For people they love or are interested in, cats will often offer to rub parts of their body on their fingers or feet. When cats do this, they leave their mouths removed from the cheek glands and mark you as theirs.

If you stroke your body to your feet, it is a sign that you are detecting through the smell of your interaction with other animals.

Researchers later found that living with cats offers both physical and psychological health benefits. A study found that people who once had cats had a lower risk of death from a heart attack than people who never had cats. Studies from Cat's Protection showed 93.7% of respondents said having cats was beneficial for their mental health.

The study did not explain in detail the reasons people love cats. But scientific studies show positive effects and reciprocal relations between humans and cats.