Medco E&P Successfully Find Gas In South Sumatra Block, SKK Migas Accelerating Production Process

JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) together with the Cooperation Contract Contract Contractor (KKKS) Medco E&P managed to find new gas reserves through the Flamboyan-1 exploration well, South Sumatra Block located in South Sumatra Province.

Deputy for Exploration, Development and Management of the SKK Migas, Benny Lubiantara, said that the Flamboyan-1 well began to be drilled on October 10, 2022, with a target well depth of 5,800 feet in Baturaja Formation.

Meanwhile, the results of the Flamboyan-1 exploration well test produced high-quality gas with an initial flow rate of 5.4 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) at 2,050 psig Flowing Tubing Head Pressure (THP).

"Currently we are still waiting for the results of the next test to confirm the amount of reserves found. Based on the analysis, this well has the potential to produce gas production of 15 MMSCFD," said Benny to the media, Tuesday, December 27.

Benny added that these findings show that the potential for natural gas in Indonesia is still very large. For this reason, SKK Migas together with KKKS continues to commit to accelerating the existing process so that the findings of the oil and gas reserves can be produced immediately.

"These findings are important for meeting the national oil and gas production target. In addition, in the energy transition phase where gas has a very important role, we hope that the production of this gas can be immediately utilized by the domestic market," continued Benny.

Meanwhile, Medco E&P President Director Ronald Gunawan said the success of the Flamboyan-1 exploration well would encourage the continuation of other exploration activities in the surrounding area.

"In addition, we are also optimistic that the monetization of this exploration discovery can be carried out quickly because the location is close to the production facility that has been installed," concluded Ronald.