Join The Allegation Of Corruption Former President Castillo: Peru Authority Joins The House Of The Former Minister Of Defense, Arrests Six Generals

JAKARTA - The anti-corruption unit of the Peru Attorney General's Office detained six generals on Monday, amid an investigation into allegations against the impeached government of former President Pedro Castillo, illegally promoting police and military officers.

Police also confiscated "documents and devices" during a raid on the home of former Defense Minister Walter Ayala, the anti-corruption unit said.

Castillo, who was arrested earlier this month after lawmakers removed him from office for seeking to illegally dissolve Congress, is being investigated for spreading influence. He faces six separate corruption charges, although all of them are denied.

"Through this intervention, six of those under investigation were arrested. The process includes 26 raids across the country," the attorney general's office said on Twitter.

The attorney general's office said on Twitter the detained generals were being investigated for "suspected to have paid, to be promoted in 2021 under the authorization of former President Pedro Castillo."

Meanwhile, former Defense Minister Ayala criticized the search of his home and the arrests of the generals.

"This is not necessary, because they haven't found anything," Ayala told reporters.

"This investigation has been in more than a year... this is a show," he said.

The former far-right president Castillo has been subjected to 48 months of pretrial detention, while he is under investigation on charges of "insurgency."