Protect The Women's Reproduction Organs From Anemia, Domestic Violence (KDRT), And Forceiness To Maintain Residential Quality

JAKARTA - Judicial health is one of the topics that get quite attention from various parties because it is related to the quality of future generations. One of the most highlighted is the occurrence of anemia in mothers as one of the risk factors that cause the high mortality rate of mothers (AKI).

In addition to anemia, the disease that most often haunts women in Indonesia is malnutrition, bleeding due to miscarriage and then childbirth is at risk due to reproductive organ disease to several examples related to women's health.

Therefore, women's health problems need attention and space to be able to carry out wider socialization so that women know the reproductive health information they often experience, as well as get a solution to problems that are often faced at primary service places.

Deputy for Family Planning and Health for the Reproduction of BKKBN Eni Gustina revealed that many women experience extraordinary mental fear due to Domestic Violence (KDRT) which is a manifestation of the inability of married couples to tolerate marriage. This also has an impact on reproductive health.

For people who are still less mature in understanding other people, there will definitely be conflict. If there is domestic violence, this is definitely the peak of inability to tolerate other people," said Eni, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, December 27.

According to him, in building and fostering relationships as a married couple, both parties should not only rely on physical readiness such as the sufficient age to give birth or have assets in the amount that are able to meet their daily needs alone.

Household development also needs to pay attention to the couple's mental readiness, where mental readiness can be built through tolerance for their respective differences through learning every day.

In building and fostering relationships as a married couple, both parties must not only rely on physical readiness such as sufficient age to give birth or have assets in the amount that is able to meet their daily needs. Thus, Eni advised the bride and groom not to rush into marriage. It is hoped that all couples can plan all aspects from physical, financial to mental readiness, so that the family that is built becomes qualified and prosperous.

"We hope that from a young age, the brides and grooms can understand how important it is to plan in the family, so that domestic violence cases in Indonesia do not occur in every household," said Eni.