Chinese Drones In The Middle Of The Coronavirus

JAKARTA - Although several patients have recovered from the corona virus outbreak, China still urges its citizens to wear masks when they are outside the home. This is done by utilizing drone technology.

To quote Business Insider, a video shows the drone with loudspeakers combing the city as well as the countryside with a message broadcast live by human voices.

"Yes, auntie, this is a drone talking to you. You know, we've told people to stay at home, but you are still hanging around outside. Now there are drones watching you," the message said.

The video uploaded by state media, Global Times China, shows a group of women outside the house. They are asked to wear masks as soon as possible because the Corona virus outbreak is still active in the Bamboo Curtain country.

Not only women's groups, the Chinese government patrol drones were seen warning the children who were also outside to immediately return home and wash their hands.

"Hey, kid, we're in for an unusual time. Don't walk outside," the drone message continued.

Meanwhile, this drone technology is not only used by the Chinese government to warn its citizens to use masks, they also use drones to spray disinfectant liquid into villages and cities contaminated with the corona virus.

The aerial devices are currently used in the coastal provinces of Jilin, Shandong and Zhejiang. The government hopes that the disinfectant liquid can prevent the spread of the corona virus. Although it is not certain how effective this method is, at least it is an alternative to walking or by truck.

Residents of Heze Village, Shandong also offered their personal drones to ensure the 16,000 meter land in their area remains sterile. Meanwhile, in areas that are not easily accessible such as southwestern Sichuan Province, the government has also asked for assistance from drones that are used by farmers to access gardens, rooftops and skyscrapers.

Meanwhile, plant protection officer Qin Chunhong from Longfu Village, Sichuan conducted a disinfectant sterilization on January 30 using a personal drone. "Drones can cover a wider area and achieve maximum results in preventing disease (corona virus)," said the officer.

This drone patrol took place after the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a health emergency status in the country due to the Corona virus or 2019-nCoV. Previously, it was known that the Corona virus had claimed 304 lives in China to date. 322 of them managed to recover and have been discharged from the hospital.

According to reports from local health authorities, the number of people infected with the new virus is around 13,858 and 200 others are still suspected of being infected.