Fire MARKets And Kembangan Are Prohibited For Tangerang Residents Who Do Not Have A Permit From The Police

TANGERANG - The Tangerang City Civil Service Police Unit socialized the Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of Home Affairs Number: 400.10/8922/SJ concerning Improved Preparedness of Regional Governments at Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023, including a ban on the use of firecrackers

The head of the Tangerang City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), Wawan Fauzi in Tangerang, Banten, revealed that even though there was a ban on lighting firecrackers, people were still allowed to use fireworks or fireworks in celebrations later this year.

"It is stated in point 10 that there is a ban on the use of firecrackers in celebrations that could potentially cause explosions, fires with human victims or goods. Based on this regulation, the Satpol PP and other ranks such as the Tangerang City Metro Police will certainly carry out appeals and supervision with the rules that have been enforced," said Wawan, quoted from Antara, Monday, December 26.

He also stated, through this regulation, the entire community of Tangerang City is to maintain security in public order. Through coordination with all elements of the Tangerang City Government, to RT/RW and TNI-POLRI to create environmental security, by not using and lighting firecrackers during the 2023 New Year celebrations.

"The public is advised to work together in maintaining security and public order, by complying with the rules prohibiting the use of firecrackers. Officers will try to take persuasive actions, but do not hesitate to carry out confiscation actions against those who violate it," he stressed.

Wawan added that the use of fireworks must also obtain permission and be monitored by the police. This is done to maintain public safety and security. The licensing process is needed because it involves security, as well as safety for other communities.

Satpol PP has dispatched 200 officers who will cooperate with all joint officers during this Christmas and New Year holidays. Supervision will be carried out starting from settlements to crowded centers in Tangerang City, in order to create order and security in Tangerang City," he said.