Questioning The Benefits Of Purchasing Land In East Kemang By The DKI Provincial Government

JAKARTA - The DKI Forestry Service has budgeted around IDR 350 billion to purchase a 2.4 hectare land on Jalan Kemang Timur V. The land that will be used for the flood management program belongs to PT Viniland International Property.

The process of measuring and valuing the price of the ex-golf course land is reaping the spotlight. Public Policy Observer, Agus Pambagio, questioned the urgency of purchasing the land.

In fact, according to Agus, there are other ways to deal with the DKI Flood problem apart from buying new land.

"Now, why should there be land acquisition at a high enough cost? Why not just focus on the river normalization program? In that area, there are rivers," said Agus when confirmed, Sunday, February 2.

According to Agus, the land on Jalan Kemang Timur V is in a fairly low plain. Meanwhile, during the rainy season, the water flow in the river is already high.

He predicts that the area will not be a catchment area. Not to mention, the area is a densely populated residential area.

"Supposedly, if you want to build green open space, it would be better to spread it in every area in Jakarta. Such a large budget is better allocated to several points and evenly distributed," said Agus.

Agus also doubts the plan to build green open space (RTH). He questioned whether there had been any studies before making decisions on flood management, especially with a large enough budget.

If not, he continued, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government needs to make a study in order to explain why the program is being carried out, because according to him it is better to focus on river normalization.

"I am questioning whether there have indeed been studies that have conducted studies on alternatives for the flood management program, do not make policy decisions but ultimately do not provide solutions," he added.