Muamalat Institute Supports Transformation And Business Development Of BPRS Way Kanan

The Muamalat Institute will build cooperation with BPR Syariah Way Kanan regarding business development programs and also strengthening business governance and improving the quality of good human resources.

Muamalat Institute Executive Director Anton Hendrianto said the support provided was useful for encouraging BPR Way Kanan to carry out a better business transformation.

"Development of human resources is the key to business success, therefore BPRS employee Way Kanan must be equipped with skills and also competitive competencies," he said in a written statement on Sunday, December 25.

Anton explained that the Muamalat Institute will provide training in the form of Rahn Gadai Gold which has the potential to be one of the pillars of business in the future.

"We also provide knowledge regarding digitization through mobile banking applications and also related to strengthening the role of BPR and BPRS in the area itself," he said.

On the same occasion, Director of BPR Syariah Way Kanan Suryanti emphasized that he was committed to increasing the capabilities of human resources in terms of implementing five pillars of the application of Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism Financing (PPT APU).

"This is in line with the management's vision as well to support regulators in creating a strong and competitive financial services industry in the digital era as it is today," he said.

He also conveyed that PPT APU training is in line with the direction of transformation of BPRS from OJK related to digitization and also human resource development.

"This strategy is clear to support the BPRS business that competes with other financial services institutions," he stressed.

For information, BPRS Way Kanan is a sharia financial institution that continues to innovate service products provided for customers.

BPRS Way Kanan stated that it supports Way Kanan Regency's economy in strengthening the real sector through strengthening MSMEs, the halal industry, and also optimizing the leading sector to remain a financial institution with the pride of the Way Kanan Regency community.