Researchers Find More Than 100 New Ancient Designs On Nazca Peru Line

JAKARTA - More than a hundred new designs found in and around the ancient Nazca land of Peru, can provide new information about the mysterious pre-Columbus artwork that has caught the attention of scientists and visitors for decades.

Following a two-year field survey with aerial and drone photos, Peruvian and Japanese researchers from Yamagata University earlier this month reported the discovery of 168 new designs on the UNESCO World Heritage site on the southern Pacific coast of Peru.

Geoglyphs, a large figure engraved in the South American desert, is over 2,000 years old and represents humans, cats, snakes, killer whales, birds, and native camalids - animals such as

Jorge Olano, chief archaeologist for the Nazca Line research program, said the new average length between two and six meters (6.56 to 19.7 feet). Nazca's line goal, which can only be seen from the air, remains a mystery.

Findings this month, however, are smaller and can be seen from the ground, Masato Sakai, a professor from Yamagata University who led the study, told Reuters, as quoted December 20.

The figures, the iconic remains of the rich history of Peru, are about three hours from the capital Lima.

The researchers have found 190 figures in the area since 2004. However, the extent of the terrain they cover complicates efforts to study and preserve the heritage site.

Yamagata University said the research would be used in artificial intelligence-based surveys to help inform line conservation.

Researchers from universities in collaboration with the Peru Government have helped describe and protect the region, which is facing threats from urban and economic development.

"Some geoglyphs are in danger of being destroyed, due to the recent expansion of a mining-related workshop in an archaeological park," Sakai said.