OJK Highlights The Important Role Of Women In Family Economic Empowerment

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) continues to encourage the role of women in empowering the family's economy through sharia financial education.

Member of the OJK Board of Commissioners for Consumer Education and Protection, Friderica Widyasari Dewi, said that the role of mothers in a family is very important because usually a mother also plays a role as a 'finance minister' in a family.

"There is a saying that if we educate a mother, we educate a generation," he said in a written statement quoted on Sunday, December 25.

According to Friderica, OJK will continue to make women a top priority for financial education goals. It was stated that by 2022 the authorities had implemented a National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion (SNLIK) which showed encouraging numbers.

"For the first time, the women's financial literacy index is 50.33 percent higher than men 49.05 percent," he said.

Friderica added, with her big roles, women need to be supported by various programs to increase their potential and roles.

"Some of the OJK's strategic initiatives in supporting women's empowerment include education and financial literacy, financial product development, and strengthening the consumer protection framework," he stressed.

Therefore, continued Friderica, in the context of consumer protection, the authorities appeal to the public to ensure the legality of the company and the logicalness of offering various financial products, especially investment products.

"OJK will continue to synergize with all stakeholders to improve people's financial literacy starting from the smallest environment through Mother's role in empowering the family economy," he concluded.