The Ministry Of PUPR And Distribution Of Toilet Cars On The Pantura Line To Support The Smooth Running Of Christmas And New Year Holidays

JAKARTA - The Cipta Marga Directorate of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is said to provide support for the availability of sanitation and clean water at a number of points on the North Coast of Java (Pantura) in order to support the smooth Christmas and New Year holidays (Nataru) 2022/2023.

Director General of Human Settlements Diana Kusumastuti said that her party had formed an Emergency Response Team as an effort to support people who were carrying out mobility and travel outside the city.

"The team is distributed to four points on the Pantura route to provide sanitation equipment and clean water supply as support for motorists who will cross the route during the 2022/2023 Nataru holiday," he said in a press statement quoted on Sunday, December 25.

Diana explained that the first point was the Motor Vehicle Weighing Implementation Unit (UPPKB) Balonggandu Karawang by deploying two toilet cars and one public hydrant. While the second point is UPPKB Losarang Indramayu, namely two toilet cars, one ankle truck, and one public hydrant.

Furthermore, at the third point on Jalan Raya Pantura, Pilang, Tegal, one toilet car and one public hydrant were deployed. Finally, at the fourth point, namely Batang Square with the support of one toilet car, one public hydrant, one Water Tank Car (MTA), one vacuum, and one pick-up car.

"This is a form of real contribution from the Ministry of PUPR in addition to providing support for the readiness of toll roads and national roads," he stressed.

To note, in accordance with the appeal of the Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono to the public not only to use the toll road as the Nataru traffic route, but also national roads, which are in an average condition of 91.8 percent.

Currently, the total length of the national road is 46,690 km spread across the Sumatra Island region along 7,918 km, Java and Bali along 5,336.9 km, Kalimantan Island along 6,556.4 km.

Then, Sulawesi Island is 17,284.4 km long, and Nusa Tenggara Island is 2,792.1 and Maluku Island Papua is 6,802.3 km.