Father Benny Susetyo's Message At Christmas 2022: Let's Reflect On The Luhur Pancasila Values

JAKARTA - The third precept of Pancasila which reads Indonesian unity' contains deep meaning to the life of the nation and state. It is an important asset in realizing Indonesia into a peaceful and developed country.

Without a sense of unity, the Indonesian nation which consists of various ethnicities, religions, and cultures will be easily divided. So, said Father Antonius Benny Susetyo, it has become an absolute thing even though it is different, all Indonesian people must remain united.

Being able to place unity, unity, as well as the interests and safety of the nation and state as a common interest above personal and group interests.

As a country that recognizes One Godhead, Indonesia should be easier to actualize the values of unity and integrity in life. This is because all religions are different in principle, but in general teach their adherents to respect and respect each other.

That is why, celebrations of religious holidays, such as Christmas, Eid al-Fitr, Galungan, or Waisak can be a momentum to foster unity and unity among the nation's sons. Accelerating true brotherhood so that solidarity is stronger.

For example, in Christmas celebrations. This can be a celebration of togetherness and celebration of brotherhood among religious adherents. We share, tolerate each other. Likewise during the celebration of other religious holidays, said Benny, the pastor who also serves as the Special Staff of the Chairperson of the Steering Committee of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) told VOI, Friday (23/12).

The same is true when the people of Cianjur are affected by an earthquake. Many people set aside some of their income to help the victims regardless of ethnicity or religion.

This value is what we must protect and preserve. As the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia has shown KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) before. He with all his limitations was able to instill the spirit of peace and unity according to the values of Pancasila," said the man who is familiarly called Father Benny.

Gus Dur, according to Father Benny, has proven that religion must always be an inspiration, religion means protecting and loving fellow God's creations, even to those marginalized.

In the era of information disclosure, the role of more actualizing the values of Pancasila is increasingly important. Through social media, a person can more easily interact without any space and time restrictions. This, said Father Benny, can actually be a unifying tool.

It's just a shame, today's social media is often filled with negative content and opinions that can divide unity. Social media activists do not hesitate to blaspheme, insult at the basis of freedom of expression without caring about each other's tolerance.

"Of course it is very worrying. There is no hope for us to become a great nation, as if all of them are negative. In fact, many positive things can still be explored," said Father Benny.

Inevitably, it takes care and awareness from all elements of the nation, especially the younger generation. They must be aware of the noble values of their nation and play an active role in efforts to fend off things that can undermine Indonesia's existence as a Godly, humane, unity, people's, and social justice nation.

"We really need to create counter content that contains positive values that are in accordance with the practice of Pancasila values. It can be through animated films, documentaries, images, short stories, or other things. Thus, negative content and opinion cannot easily breed and destroy Indonesian unity and integrity," said Father Benny.

"We have to get into the circle of care, not enter the circle of influence," he added.

"Let's build social solidarity, build a spirit of sharing, respecting each other, respecting each other, and loving each other among God's creatures," Father Benny emphasized.

Happy Christmas 2022. May Christmas bring joy.