Joining In Mutation, Seven Polwan Can Promotion Positions

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo rotated hundreds of its members from high-ranking officers (Pati) to middle-ranking officers (Pamen). Seven of them are female police officers (polwan).

The mutation of the seven policewomen was based on a telegram (ST) number ST / 2774 / XII / KEP. / 2022 to ST / 2777 / XII / KEP. / 2022 which was signed by AS HR Polri Inspector General Wahyu Widada on behalf of the National Police Chief.

They include Kombes Desy Andriani who was transferred to the Main Police Psychologist of TK II SSDM Polri. This means that he received the promotion of Brigadier General (Brigjen).

Then, AKBP Yessi Kurniati who received a promotion as the Head of the Bukittinggi Police of the West Sumatra Police. Then, AKBP Soliyah was appointed as the Auditor of the TK Intermediate Police. III Itwasda Polda South Sulawesi.

There is also AKBP Retno Prihawati. He was promoted to become a major commissioner (Kombes) as the National Police's Attache/Slo Divhubinter.

Furthermore, AKBP Khodijah, who was also promoted at a higher level, became the Head of the Riau Police Health Office with the rank of Kombes.

The sixth policewoman, AKBP Wahyuni Sri Lestari, received a promotion as the Head of the Payakumbuh Police of the West Sumatra Police.

Finally, AKBP Herlina received a promotion as the Head of the Tanjung Perak Port Police of East Java.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, confirmed the rotation. According to him, it is only for organizational refreshment and promotion of positions.

"It's true from human resources. Mutation is a common thing in the organization as a tour of the area and tour of duty and refreshment and promotion," said Dedi to reporters, Saturday, December 24.

In fact, in the ST issued, the National Police Chief rotated 704 members. Some were transferred in order to retire.

"Overall there are 704 personnel who have mutated," said Dedi.