Lawyers Call The Victim's Wife The Perpetrator Of The Domestic Violence Of Former OVO Employees Not Given Nafkah, His Child Is In Adverted School

Attorney for a mother with the initials KEY who is a victim of domestic violence (KDRT) by the alleged perpetrator of her husband with the initials RIS said that his client as a wife was not supported.

"The father left the house in August, everything was stopped by him. Not paid yet, the phone was blocked. While his mother did not have a permanent job, in the end she was not paid for school," said KEY lawyer Muhammad Syafri Nur, when confirmed, Saturday, December 24.

KIY, who is a housewife, does not have a permanent job.

Not getting a living, making his two children married to RIS, who is 12 initials KA and 10 years old KR, in arrears to pay for school. A warning letter from the school has also been received by KEY.

Dari tersendatnya pendidikan, Syafri mengatakan dampak psikologi juga diterima anak KIY yang menjadi korban KDRT RIS.

"The one like this, hitting the child's soul, he's not comfortable at school, he's embarrassed by his teacher's friends, this is about this psychologist," he said.

Until now, Syafri said his client was still undergoing counseling from the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A).

"Until more than 2 months it's not finished," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that the South Jakarta Metro Police were following up on the domestic violence case involving a former OVO employee with the initials RIS. The domestic violence case was busy on social media some time ago.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Ade Ary Syam Indradi explained, RIS committed violence against the reporter, namely KEY from 2021 to 2022 at the crime scene (TKP), namely the Signature Park Apartment, Tebet, South Jakarta.

At that time, RIS, who served as the company's leader, was reported to have committed violence against KEY, by hitting the victim's head with his hand.

"In addition, the reported party also kicked the victim in the back with his feet and often cursed the victim with harsh words," said Aan, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, December 20.