Review Bad Boys For Life - Getting Older, Getting Older

JAKARTA - The detective duo of Bad Boys, Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) continues. This Bad Boys For Life film will continue the last story from the previous story in Bad Boys I (1995) and Bad Boys II (2003).

The sequel to the film, which returns after 17 years, will bring back the memory of the audience of the hilarious, action-packed duet of Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. Although no longer handled by Michael Bay, the director duo Adil El Arbi and Billal Falah were able to bring back the action of this naughty duet in eradicating crime.

The film, which takes place in Miami, Atlanta and Mexico, managed to amaze the audience. This film also presents many new characters.

The Older The More So

The story begins with Mike and Marcus who feel they are getting old, so they are both faced with contradictory desires for each other.

Mike, who has a desire in accordance with his life dimensions to fight crime and wants to serve his job in the police. In contrast to Marcus, who wanted to immediately retire from the police agency and leave the criminal world.

In order to settle the debate, the two decide to compete with Captain Howard (Joe Pantoliano) who is the judge. If Mike wins, Marcus cannot retire, and vice versa. But unfortunately, the race had to be interrupted because Mike was bombarded with shots from unknown people.

The attack made Mike injured and Burnett, who chose to take a break from the police for a while. In the midst of his investigation, Mike was assigned to carry out a mission with a group of young policemen who are members of AMMO.

"One last time," said Mike and Marcus in turns before taking on the mission for the last time.

Overall, this film is able to make those who are naturally homesick with the actions of two witty detectives to be cured. The difference here is that their action is a little more modern. Starting from the pattern of investigation, the process of chasing, to an ambush that adopted many advanced technology.

So it is clear, in some scenes, the duo is sometimes hit by confusion because they usually act in an old school style, which is far from modern.

Interestingly, modern dressings are not just a matter of technology. Regarding the clothes used, the music played, the car that appears in the film, to the fresh jokes that often come out of Marcus' mouth, they are very attractive because of the contemporary touch.

This concoction is what makes those who watched Bad Boys from the past and those who have recently watched, become relevant to the acting duet of Smith and Lawrence. Hopefully, their action in Bad Boys is quite worthy of being juxtaposed with other popular classic detective comedy action films such as the duo Jackie Chan - Chris Tucker in the Rush Hour series which rumors will return to the small screen through Rush Hour 4.

For those of you who can't wait to watch Bad Boys For Life, it's good to watch the trailer directly below, so that your curiosity to watch in your favorite cinema will increase.