How To Find An Arm Without A Barbell, Don't Have To Fitnes To Gym Every Day

YOGYAKARTA Actually there are many ways to train the arm muscles without having to go to the gym. The key is that you do proper and consistent exercises. The right way to consistency will provide satisfactory results while maintaining the health of the body.

In essence, training the arm muscles is done by practicing weightlifting. The tools available in the gym only make it easier for you to train your muscles with a good load device. But that doesn't mean you can't do these exercises independently. To shape and train the upper and lower arm muscles, do some of the following movements at home.

Push up is a movement that can train the arm muscles by utilizing the burden on your body. Push up is also a kastenik movement.

Although simple, push-ups can be a training method to form arm muscles. In addition, other body parts such as the stomach, thighs, and buttocks will also be formed.

The way to push up is by lying face down, piles of body weights on the sleeves that are open as wide as the shoulder. Keep your legs and feet straight.

Half-moon Rotation can help form muscles on the upper arm. How to do it is also very simple, you just stand up, open your legs as wide as your shoulders. Range your hands to the right and left sides with the position of your fingers and lower collar.

After that, turn the palm towards the front and back until the palm faces towards the top. This movement resembles the propeller movement. Do this movement regularly.

The benefits of plank are not only tightening the abdomen muscles but also forming arm muscles. How to do plank is like push-ups. Lebarkan tangah as wide as the shoulder, and open the waist wide.

How to do a bear crafts is like a plank, which is by lying on your stomach and lifting your body with the foundation of your hands and legs. The position of your back must be straight. Right hand and left foot in the front. Do this movement alternately with other hands and feet. You will feel attracted muscles. But it should be noted that to do this movement you must not force yourself. Do it gradually and repeat it several times regularly every day.

Thechin-up movement is done by hanging in a place higher than your body, it can be on the door frame or with the tools around your house.

Chin up can be done in two ways, first by placing the palm of the tangah facing down, second by placing the palm of the tangah towards the top. After that, pull your body up with repeated hand strength. This disorder takes advantage of the body's weight to train the arm muscles.

To do a tricep dips, you only need a chair. The trick is to lean on the chair, place your palm on the edge of the front seat. After that straighten your legs and lower your body slowly. Try to bend your elbow 90 degrees. This movement does not require a lot of space. You can hold back that position for a while then return to your normal position.

That's how to train the arm muscles. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.