Don't Consider Enteng BMKG Predictions On Extreme Weather At The End Of The Year

JAKARTA - The public is asked to be aware of the potential for extreme weather that is predicted by BMKG to occur at the end of the year along with the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year holidays.

"We have coordinated with BMKG and BNPB to anticipate the potential for unfriendly weather. In 2020, we have a flood problem on the toll road. For this reason, I urge the public to remain vigilant about the risk of flooding," said Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi while monitoring the Jakarta toll road Cikampek, Friday 23 December.

The Ministry of Transportation has coordinated with the Police, BMKG, Ministry of PUPR, Jasa Marga, and other related elements, to prepare a number of efforts to anticipate the occurrence of congestion, and overcome the risk of flooding.

To overcome extreme weather that can cause flood risks on toll roads, the efforts made are to build culverts on toll roads and make rain-making engineering.

Meanwhile, to anticipate traffic congestion, traffic engineering management such as one way or contra flow has been prepared.

"Korlantas Polri has the authority to implement traffic engineering in the field, but I ask fellow police officers in implementing traffic engineering to also pay attention to the impact that will occur in other road branches and also the route in the reverse direction," he said.

He said the Jakarta, Cikampek to Semarang toll roads were one of the crucial points of congestion during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Monitoring of toll roads is carried out by the Minister of Transportation through helicopters from Halim, Jakarta to Cikampek.

Arriving in Cikampek, the Minister of Transportation held a coordination meeting with a number of related parties at Jasa Marga's office, Km 71b, Cikampek Utama.

A number of new toll roads that need to be anticipated have congestion, namely Cisumdawu and Jakarta Cikampek 2, which have the potential for congestion.

In addition, several road points are also a concern because of the potential for flooding due to extreme weather at the end of the year, namely at Km 136, Km 151, and national roads at the Cipunegara River Bridge, Subang.

"We predict that the toll road from Jakarta to Semarang will become congested. From our monitoring by air, it can be seen that an increase has occurred but there has been no congestion or delaying traffic," he said.

Furthermore, the Minister of Transportation asked the police to supervise tourist areas and enforce the law against tourism buses that violate the provisions.

Furthermore, the Minister of Transportation also gave an appeal to people who travel by motorbike to be careful and prioritize safety.

"It's better not to travel more than 100 km. Because the statistics show the highest road accidents involve motorcycle users," he said.

Also present at the review were the Head of BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati, Director General of Land Transportation Hendro Sugiatno, Director General of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR Hedy Rahadian, President Director of Jasa Raharja Rivan Achmad Purwantono, Director General of Korlantas POLRI Brigadier General (Pol) Aan Suhanan, and Jasa Marga Operations Director Fitri Wiyanti.