Observer: Unclear Requirements For Rapid Test At Terminals Can Trigger Black Plate Transport

JAKARTA - Transportation observer from the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) Djoko Setijowarno considers that the rules regarding the requirements for ownership of the rapid test results for travelers at the terminal are unclear.

Djoko assessed that the unclear regulations on the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Circular which only calls for the requirement for a rapid antigen test as an effort to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 on land transportation between cities between provinces (AKAP) will create new problems.

The problem, said Djoko, is the potential for black-plate passenger transport not registered as official public transportation.

"As a result of this uncertainty, what has emerged is black plate transportation, transportation such as private vehicles," said Djoko in a virtual discussion, Monday, December 21.

According to Djoko, prospective land transport passengers will be eyeing the black plate transportation. This is because the requirement for an antigen rapid test that requires cross-checking of hundreds of thousands of rupiah is burdensome for them.

Moreover, the government is no longer firm in supervising the ownership of rapid test results for travelers using black plate or private vehicles.

"The requirements for this rapid antigen test are usually not affordable for them. Because, land transportation users are mostly from the lower middle class, unlike airplane passengers," said Djoko.

Therefore, Djoko asked the government, especially the Ministry of Transportation, to provide rapid test inspection services with subsidized assistance at terminal A which serves AKAP buses.

"It would be better if the placement of health personnel and the provision of assistance, because this is mostly AKAP buses. Moreover, this type A terminal is actually provided with space for health services," said Djoko.

"Don't let the number of black plate transports appear, while the AKAP bus businessmen will decrease. This requires support from the government to provide health insurance at the type A terminal," he added.

For information, the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 has issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 3 of 2020 regarding the implementation of health protocols during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

There are three important points that must be applied by the community as stated in the circular, including the mandatory rapid antigen test.

Regarding this rapid antigen test, air and intercity rail transportation modes are required to show a negative result certificate using the antigen rapid test no later than 3x24 hours before departure as a travel requirement.

Meanwhile, land travelers, both private and public, are only advised to use the antigen rapid test no later than 3x24 hours before departure as a condition of travel.

Filling in e-HAC Indonesia is mandatory for travelers using all modes of public and private transportation, except for rail transportation modes.