Epic Games Store Add Spotify To Its Digital Store

JAKARTA - Not only online games, Epic Games Store has started adding Spotify services to its platform. This is clear evidence that Epic is expanding its digital store to distribute more general applications.

Reporting from The Verge, Monday, December 21, Spotify's presence at the Epic Games Store appeared in the feud between Google and Apple. Where the two companies removed the mobile version of the Fortnite game.

Epic Games developer himself accused Apple and Google of violating the anti-monopoly trade. Given the two application store services developed, they impose a tax discount for each in-app purchase on the platform.

So far, Epic Games Store is a digital game distribution platform that has been active since last December 2018. Through its app store, Epic offers cheaper payments to developers who only take 12 percent of their revenue.

This figure is certainly cheaper than Apple and Google which took 30 percent. With the growing user base of Epic Games Store, the friendly fee structure is becoming one of the most popular app stores in the world.

Epic also often provides free games to attract users to visit its platform digital store. This also gives non-game developers the opportunity to choose Epic Store as a viable alternative distribution platform.