PLN Will Garap Pembangunan Transmission Listrik Java-Bali Which Is Targeted To Bempung 2025

PT PLN (Persero) is preparing to build an extra-high voltage electricity network of 500 kilovolts (kV) which will stretch from Java to Bali or called Java - Bali Connection (JBC) 500 kV. This National Strategic Project (PSN) is targeted to operate in 2025.

General Manager of PLN's East Java and Bali Development Main Unit (UIP JBTB), Muhammad Ramadhansyah said the presence of JBC 500 kV will increase the reliability of electricity for the community and local industry.

"Resisting of 11 infrastructures, this series of inter-island transmissions will stretch from Probolinggo Regency in East Java to Tabanan Regency in Bali," he said in an official statement, Thursday, December 22.

He added that PLN's seriousness in this development was reflected in a site review conducted by the company together with stakeholders, namely PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII, Banyuwangi Regency ATR/BPN Office, Banyuwangi Regency PUPR Service and other stakeholders.

Ramadhansyah explained, to be able to make the development included in the National Strategic Project (PSN) successful, PLN collaborated with relevant stakeholders so as to accelerate the reliability of electricity in the Java and Bali region.

"The construction of the Java Bali Connection 500 kV is important for the sake of reliable electricity for the wider community. For this reason, cooperation from all elements is needed so that the implementation can run on time so that later the positive impact can be felt by the community at large," he said.

He also appreciated the cooperation between relevant stakeholders. He is optimistic that with the synergy established between all parties, the electricity infrastructure development plan will be carried out on time.

"In 2025, this infrastructure target will be used to operate. Of course, the success of increasing the reliability of electricity will be due to the synergy established by all related elements," added Muhammad Ramadhansyah.

On the same occasion, Head of the Section for Arrangement and Empowerment of the Banyuwangi Regency ATR/BPN Office, Sarjono expressed the full support of PLN's plan.

"We support the central government's program and we hope that the synergy will always be well established. We are sure that in accordance with the Central Government's program that the development of this PSN will have a positive impact on the surrounding community," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Legal Sub-Division of PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII Assets, Reno Handoyo, said that PTPN XII supports the central government's program, especially since this is for the public interest.

The JBC project, which is part of the PSN, will be very much needed to increase the reliability of electricity for the community and industry in Java and Bali. Therefore, synergy from various stakeholders plays a very important role in development.