What's The News Of The Virky Case Of Domestic Violence Baim Wong-Paula? Already Wants To Change Years But There Is No Legal Certainty

JAKARTA - It has been two months since it was reported, but Baim Wong and his wife, Paula Verhoeven, have no legal certainty in the case of domestic violence (KDRT). The South Jakarta Metro Police (Jaksel) who handled this case, has examined 9 witnesses. However, until now there has been no progress.

Recalling again, the prank content created by the celebrity couple was carried out at the Kebayoran Lama Police, on October 3, 2022. This means that the case has been running for two months and it has not yielded results.

"9 witnesses have been examined. There has been no (developing) of investigators who know," said the Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday, December 21.

When asked whether Baim and Paula would be called back, Nurma admitted that she did not know any further. Because the investigative team knows about it.

"The schedule is for investigators to know," he concluded.

Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven were officially reported by the Friends of the Indonesian Police (SPI) to the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday afternoon, October 3. Tengku Zanzabella as the party (SPI), said the report was made because the artist couple was deemed to have cheated on the community.

The report is registered with the number LP/B/2386/X/2022 South Jakarta Metro Police dated October 3, 2022.

The same thing was said by the SPI attorney, Eko. According to him, the actions committed by Baim Wong and Paula went into the criminal realm regarding Article 220 of the Criminal Code. Moreover, they did so against the Polri institution.

"This is a lesson for all of us not to mess with legal issues, especially at the police station. That is an institution formed by law. So we respect and respect each other," he said.