Zulkifli Hasan Puji Muhammadiyah University Sorong: Consistent Fight Through Education And Health

JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan praised Muhammadiyah for consistently struggling in the middle way, namely education and health."The Muhammadiyah Sorong University is a real example that Muhammadiyah is consistent in the middle way. There has never been a Muhammadiyah story of being picky about students because it is non-Muslim, especially because of skin tone. Anyone who wants to study at Muhammadiyah University may, as long as it meets the applicable rules," said Zulkifli Hasan or who is familiarly called Zulhas in his written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, December 21.This was conveyed by Zulhas during a dialogue with students and Civitas Academics at Muhammadiyah University, Sorong.Zulhas also admitted that he was amazed by Muhammadiyah who consistently fought with the values of the middle way, which was reflected in its business charities, namely educational and health institutions.According to Zulhas, schools or Muhammadiyah University have never been picky about students based on ethnic or religious backgrounds.Zulhas also did not hesitate to mention that Muhammadiyah University Sorong is one of the best universities in Southwest Papua.Furthermore, Zulhas also motivated students from Muhammadiyah University Sorong, where students must have fighting power, tough and have a vision in the future.“ It can already study at a good university, for that it must be utilized, must have fighting power, must be tough and have a vision. Those who have a vision that their days must be productive, ” he said.He believes that if education in Sorong progresses, then the future of Sorong, Southwest Papua, and even Indonesia in the future will also be bright.“ The future of Southwest Papua and even Papua is generally in the hands of future generations, smart is not enough, we also have to have a fighter mentality, ” continued ZulhasTherefore, he asked students to allocate time, energy, and even money to continue to improve self-quality and invest in expertise."Don't forget, God's law is certain, who studies diligently, works hard, works smartly, and is diligent, then he will win the fight, of course, must also be followed by prayers to the Almighty," he added.