Integration Of Export And Import Data, Ministry Of Finance Thanks Stranas PK

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to have received an award from the National Strategy for Corruption Prevention (Stranas PK) related to the Launch of Corruption Prevention Action in 2023-2024. The receipt of the award was represented by the Head of the National Single Window Institute (LNSW) M. Agus Rofiudi.

LNSW Secretary Muhamad Lukman said the appreciation of the PK Stranas was given for the commitment and contribution of the Ministry of Finance in the implementation of export and import data integration actions.

"In particular, this is stipulated in food commodities and the optimization of non-tax state revenues in 2021-2022," he said in a written statement, Wednesday, December 21.

According to Lukman, previously in the 2021-2022 corruption prevention action, the Ministry of Finance played a role in focusing on licensing and trading. This is especially in the action of integrating import export data on food and health commodities.

"This effort is carried out through the implementation of the National System for the Commodity Balance (SINAS NK)," he said.

Lukman added that the Ministry of Finance also plays a role in the focus of state finances, especially on increasing state revenues through revamping non-tax state revenues (PNBP) and other incomes.

This, continued Lukman, was carried out through the implementation of the Inter-Ministerial and Institutional Information System (SIMBARA). On the same occasion, Stranas PK also launched 15 corruption prevention measures in 2023-2024.

"The National Single Window agency as part of the Ministry of Finance is committed to continuing to support corruption prevention in the country," concluded Lukman.