Five Bad Nutrition Alami Toddlers In Batam Died In 2022

The Health Office (Dinkes) noted that as many as five toddlers who suffered from malnutrition in Batam, Riau Islands died in 2022.

Head of the Batam City Health Office Didi Kusmarjadi said the death case was due to the lack of knowledge of parents about the factors causing malnutrition. One of them is feeding too early so that the child's growth and development are not balanced.

"Of the five toddlers who died from malnutrition, it was due to comorbidities, so it was not entirely malnutrition," said Didi when contacted in Batam, Riau Islands, Wednesday, December 21, as reported by Antara.

However, Didi claimed that the cases of toddlers who died from malnutrition in Batam City were very low. Our stunting handling is good. The cases have dropped," he added.

Didi appealed to parents to always pay attention to nutritional intake in children with the aim of being able to grow and avoid malnutrition.

Analysis of the Nutrition Office of the Batam City Health Office, Dewi Cahaya, said that there are several steps to prevent children from getting malnutrition, namely monitoring the growth of toddlers in Posyandu every month.

"If someone is not weighted, the parents of this toddler will be connected to find the cause and given education about how to provide balanced nutritious food," said Dewi.

Then, maintain personal and environmental hygiene to prevent infectious diseases that can cause children to lose weight.

In addition, when giving birth, you must initiate early breastfeeding (IMD) to provide exclusive breast milk.

"Drip the blood-enhancing tablet and get enough rest," he said.