Pura Mangkunegaran Palace Wants To Contribute In Environmental Issues, PLN Leave 20 Units Of RC Setara 20 MWH Clean Electricity

JAKARTA - The Pura Mangkunegaran Palace, Surakarta became the first cultural heritage to wear a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) from PT PLN (Persero). This step is a commitment to support the government in the energy transition and towards a greener future of the earth.

The King of Mangkunegara X, Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya (KGPAA) Mangkunegara X explained that the steps taken by the Mangkunegaran Temple to use the PLN's REC are a form of the Palace's commitment to massive use of clean energy. He considered, as a cultural center, Mangkunegaran also wanted to contribute to environmental issues.

"Why are we doing this, because Mangkunegaran as a cultural center must continue to develop, one of which is paying attention to and answering the growing issues so far. Through the use of clean energy as an electrical energy source for the Mangkunegaran Palace, it also contributes to reducing carbon emissions," said KGPAA Mangkunegara X in a written statement from PLN, Wednesday, December 21.

KGPAA Mangkunegara X considers it a cultural heritage, Pura Mangkunegaran not only focuses on cultural conservation but also on environmental conservation.

As the center of culture, Pura Mangkunegaran will also instill messages on the use of clean energy side by side with the message of cultural preservation so that people are more concerned about environmental issues.

"In the future, we hope that more and more parties, especially from among young people who care and support the movement to use green energy and can implement it in everyday life. And they can transmit this spirit to other young people," he said.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo is ready to support the steps taken by the Mangkunegaran Temple to use clean energy through REC. As PLN's support for the good steps of the Mangkunegaran Palace, PLN handed over 20 units of REC or equivalent to 20 MWh of clean electricity.

"We are ready to support Kanjeng Gusti's good steps to bring the Palace to a clean energy source. The Mangkunegaran Temple is the first cultural heritage to use REC energy from PLN," said Darmawan.

The Mangkunegaran Temple is not only a cultural heritage but is also part of an educational forum for the community. With REC, the Mangkunegaran Temple became the center of civilization based on green energy.

"So it is hoped that in the future Puro Mangkunagaran will become a cultural education tourism area that combines classical and modernization elements, preserves and develops Javanese culture and is able to become a reference for the community to study Javanese customs, knowledge, norms and arts," said Darmawan.

Darmawan added that the REC which was handed over to the Mangkunegaran Temple was sourced from the Kamojang PLTP.

REC is one of PLN's green product innovations to make it easier for customers to get recognition for the use of EBT which is transparent, accountable and recognized internationally and without having to spend investment costs for infrastructure development.

"Through REC, PLN presents options for meeting targets of up to 100 percent of the use of renewable energy. The method of purchasing is relatively easy and fast," he said.

Darmawan also ensured that the energy used by customers came from EBT-based power plants verified by international tracking systems.

Currently, the green energy plants owned by PLN registered are the Kamojang Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) with a capacity of 140 MW, the Lahendong PLTP 80 MW and the Batu hydropower plant 130 MW, or the equivalent of 2,500,000 MWh per year.