Develop The Industrial Transformation Ecosystem, Ministry Of Industry Realizes The Training Of 1,400 HR Through PIDI 4.0

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry has initiated the development of the Digital Industry Center 4.0 (PIDI 4.0) in order to support the development of an industrial transformation ecosystem 4.0 in Indonesia, by preparing digitally proficient human resources (HR) with various training programs related to skills needed in the future. "In 2018, President Joko Widodo has launched a Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap as a form of Indonesia's readiness to enter the industrial era 4.0. one strategy is the construction of PIDI 4.0," said the Head of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) of the Ministry of Industry, Arus Gunawan in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 21. The current said, in the 2018-2030 period, industrial development 4.0 is predicted to boost the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by up to one to two percent per year. "In addition, there is the potential for job creation of more than 10 million by 2030. Industry implementation 4.0 cannot be separated from labor expertise "Industry in its implementation, therefore the Ministry of Industry continues to encourage the improvement of the quality of industrial human resources, one of which is through reskilling and upskilling," he said. Director of PIDI 4.0 as well as Head of the BPSDMI Industrial Human Resources Center of the Ministry of Industry, Tirta Wisnu Permana said, PIDI 4.0 has five pillars to realize the implementation of industry 4.0 in Indonesia and the Indonesian window 4.0 in the world. This year, the PIDI 4.0 program in the five pillars has achieved the target. "The first pillar is that Showcase Center. This year, PIDI 4.0 is working with Toyota Indonesia in providing a miniature showcase of automotive factories, from customization, design, production, to monitoring orders," he said. For the Capability Center pillar, throughout 2022, PIDI 4.0 has organized 52 trainings with a total of 1,400 participants. The trainings were held at the PIDI 4.0 building in Jakarta, as well as various cities in Indonesia. Wisnu said, in the Ecosystem pillar, PIDI 4.0 has collaborated nationally and globally to create an industrial ecosystem 4.0 in Indonesia. "From the target of 24 partners, PIDI 4.0 has exceeded this target and now has 35 partners, such as AWS (Amazon), Schneider Electric, Ericsson, Telkomsel, UGM, Undip, and others," he explained.

Then, in the Delivery Center pillar, PIDI 4.0 has provided assistance to industry in seven priority sectors to improve awareness, through workshop activities in the industrial assessment field 4.0." For the Engineering & Artificial Intelligence (AI) pillar, PIDI 4.0 has carried out testing facility awareness (prototyping) for pre-piloting solutions, testing, and industrial deployment 4.0. PIDI 4.0 is also developing machine learning-based applications, such as AI for online training, e-commerce PIDI 4.0, to chatbots," said Vishnu. Furthermore, said Vishnu, the training was opened for industrial workers in general, and there were several trainings devoted to the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). The training participants organized by PIDI 4.0 received recognized certificates, as well as cooperating with various international institutions. "For example, the training on making Digital Brands whose participants received Adobe Certified Professional (ACP), as well as AWS Cloud training in collaboration with Amazon Web Services," explained Vishnu. The entire activity carried out is to support the PIDI 4.0 function as a one-stop solution in accelerating industrial transformation 4.0 in Indonesia. "training at PIDI 4.0 is presented in accordance with the demands of the skills needed in the industrial era 4.0, including training on mekatronics, internet of things, data analysis, pneumatics, and many more," he added.