Approaching Christmas And New Year, Jakarta Satpol PP Tightens Health Protocol Raids At Tourist Attractions

JAKARTA - Head of DKI Jakarta Satpol PP, Arifin said that his party has tightened supervision and enforcement of health protocol violations in the tourism industrial area ahead of the Christmas and New Year 2021 holidays.

The places that will be the main target of the Orderly Mask (Tibmas) operation are areas that are crowded with residents such as Ancol, TMII, Kota Tua, Lake Sunter, restaurants, and sidewalks along Jalan Sudirman-H Thamrin.

"We are still monitoring, disciplining, patrolling, and operating. Every time we do it, we target various places. Now, we are tightening the supervision of places in the tourism industry to restaurants," Arifin said when contacted, Monday, December 21.

Arifin said that currently the fines for violating health protocols during the transitional PSBB period from 12 October to 19 December had been collected amounting to IDR 712 million. These fines are obtained from individuals and business premises.

"The fines that we collected, from the mask fines, amounted to Rp. 485.4 million. Then, for restaurants and restaurants as much as 133.6 million. Then, for offices, workplaces, and industries as much as Rp. 93.3 million," said Arifin.

Based on the data on the number of offenders, during the transitional PSBB period there were 84,793 residents who were found not wearing mascars when they left their homes so that they were subject to sanctions in the form of social work or a fine of IDR 250 thousand.

Furthermore, there are 287 offices, business premises, and industries that are closed for 24 hours. Then there are 106 offices that are closed for 3x24 hours.

"As many as 41 offices, business premises, and industries we are subject to fines. Then we also appreciate that there were no violations found in 4,950 places," said Arifin.

It is known that the government is anticipating a spike in COVID-19 cases ahead of Christmas Day and the new year 2021. Especially in DKI, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies issued Governor Instruction Number 64 of 2020 and Governor's Appeal Number 17 of 2020.

From 18 December 2020 to 8 December 2021, business actors, managers, organizers, or people in charge of offices are asked to impose operational hours limits no later than 19.00 WIB and impose a capacity limit for the number of people at most 50 percent.

Then, business actors, managers, organizers, or those in charge of shopping centers (malls), food stalls, restaurants, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and tourist attractions, to impose operational hours limits no later than 21.00 WIB by limiting the capacity of visitors at most 50 percent.

Then, during the stipulated period, there are restrictions on the operational time of public transportation. Transjakarta, regular public transportation, and MRT operate from 05.00 to 20.00 WIB; LRT operates from 05.30 to 20.00 WIB; water transportation operates from 05.00 to 18.00 WIB; and KRL operates from 04.00 to 22.00 WIB.

Especially on December 24 to December 27, and December 31 to January 3, 2021, individuals / families reduce their activities outside the home, except for carrying out basic or urgent worship activities, and all business actors apply operational hours limits no later than 19.00 WIB.