Who Are The Weed Bearers And Samurai In 1812 Action?

JAKARTA - Demonstrations by a number of elements of society who are members of the National Anti-Communist Alliance (ANAK) NKRI almost ended in chaos because the crowd demanding the release of Rizieq Shihab for the detention of cases of alleged violation of health protocols were beaten back by the police from around the State Palace.

The police beat the crowd back because the demonstration which was held on Friday, December 18, did not have a permit. The police deliberately did not issue permits due to safety considerations and health protocol rules during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Yes, not issuing a permit, not issuing it," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, Thursday, December 17.

To prevent crowds, the police put in place a security scheme. One of them is by appealing to people in several areas not to take part in demonstrations.

"We will carry out humanitarian operations, where should we start? Our prevention starts from Bekasi from other areas, we say there should be no crowds," he said.

However, the masses still chose to hold an action. They poured out their way to demand the release of Rizieq Shihab. But the police acted decisively by calling on them to end the action.

The Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Heru Novianto also issued an ultimatum for the masses to disperse immediately. If not, it will arrest them on the grounds of violating health protocols.

"If we continue to carry out the action, we will arrest them. Disband, please disperse. Please go back to their respective homes," said Central Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Heru Novianto, Friday, December 18.

Even though they were threatened with arrest, the crowd initially ignored the police's appeal. However, after the police continued to beat back, they slowly began to disperse.

"I remind you to return immediately. Otherwise we will arrest it. This is dangerous for the spread of COVID-19," he said.

Violence against officers and narcotics findings

Although the masses gradually disbanded, there was violence in the process. Two policemen were injured as a result of attacks by unscrupulous mobs with sharp weapons.

This attack occurred when the police dispersed the 1812 protest which was located on Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, precisely in front of the DKI City Hall office.

"There were two members who were injured during the disbandment in front of the governor's office, but not really (seriously injured) huh. The wound was in the form of a slash using a samurai," said Yusri.

The two policemen were immediately rushed to the nearest hospital for treatment. Meanwhile, the attack will be explored to find out the perpetrator

"Because this has just happened. We are still being recorded," he said.

Yusri said that his party arrested 155 people who were about to leave for the action and who had arrived at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue area to hold the 1812 demonstration.

It is suspected that the hundreds of people arrested were provocateurs who wanted to turn the demonstration into chaos. In fact, one of the people arrested was caught carrying marijuana.

"Of the 155 we secured, someone was found carrying marijuana. We found him in the Depok area," said Yusri.

In an effort to investigate the attack and possession of marijuana by one of the protesters, the police plan to examine the 1812 demonstration corlap. In addition, this examination is also to find out the reasons for continuing to hold demonstrations during the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, the National Police did not issue a crowd permit.

"We prepare everything, we examine there is involvement, we will summon all. (Korlap) he is responsible for everything, he cannot crowd around. He is in charge," said Yusri.

Action Mass Confidence

However, the Field Coordinator (Korlap) of the 1812 demonstration, Rizal Kobar, believed that the person who carried a sharp weapon and attacked the police was not the mass of the action. This is because the mass of the action that was deployed did not have sharp weapons.

"If anyone is caught carrying a sharp weapon, I am sure it is not from us, not from the 1812 action masses," he said.

Rizal also said that before the demonstration was held, he did not allow the participants to carry any weapons. Therefore, Rizal does not want to be held responsible for the findings of the samurai from the 1812 action.

"If I do not allow the participants of the action like that. I do not urge the participants to bring sharp weapons. If that, I am not responsible," he said.

Rizal questioned the police's plans to investigate him regarding the findings of sharp weapons (sajam) in the form of samurai and marijuana from the mass action.

"Other people brought (Samurai and marijuana) but how come I was being examined? This is the same if I call to prayer and people carry weapons but I am being examined," he said.

However, Rizal admitted that he was ready to fulfill the police summons for questioning. It's just that, he said, until now the invitation letter for examination has not been received.

"I will come, I will provide information as needed," he said.