This Is A Requirement For Riding The Latest Train In December 2022, There Is Good News For Children Aged 6-12 YEARS

YOGYAKARTA - There is good news from PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI), the reason is, starting from December 19, 2022, children aged 6 years with 12 years who have not vaccinated are allowed to take the train. Then what are the requirements for taking the latest train?

"The condition is that they have a certificate that they have not received vaccinations from health centers/health service facilities for certain reasons or must be accompanied by adults who have received booster vaccinations," said KAI VP Public Relations Joni Martinus in a statement in Jakarta recently.

Launching from the Antara website, Joni said, the regulation was in accordance with the issuance of the SE Ministry of Health Number HK.02.02/II/3984/2022 regarding Preparedness for the 2022 Christmas Holidays and the 2023 New Year.

The changes in the latest law were previously customers aged 6 years to 12 years who had not been vaccinated against the second reason medically had to show a doctor's certificate from a government hospital.

The following are the complete conditions for travel to apply long-distance and local trains starting December 19, 2022:

Requirements for long-distance train rides

Requirements for Upgrading Local Trains and Agglomeration

Permanent customers are required to be in good health and wear masks while traveling on trains and while at the station. Masks worn are 3-layer cloth masks or medical masks that cover the nose, mouth and chin.

Joni said, to help the community complete the requirements for vaccines (so) KAI has collaborated with the TNI/Polri, the Health Service, and other parties by providing vaccination services for customers.

"KAI will continue to socialize this policy to customers in the hope that customers will begin to prepare themselves and understand this policy," he said.

Can vaccine 2 get on the train?

Long-distance train customers aged 18 years and over must have carried out the third vaccination (booster). Although customers aged 6-17 must have carried out the second vaccination. This policy applies to departure train trips starting August 30, 2022.

So after knowing the conditions for taking the latest train, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!