Pope Francis Has Prepared A Letter Of Self-Resignal If His Health Impresses

JAKARTA - Pope Francis is aware that he will have a 'limit' in carrying out his busy activities. That's why Pope Francis has prepared a letter of resignation if he can no longer carry out his duties.

"I've signed my resignation letter... I signed it and wrote 'if I can't afford it for medical or whatever reason, this is my resignation'," Francis said as quoted by Vatican News, Monday, December 19.

Last Saturday, December 17, Pope Francis was 86 years old. There he explained that his resignation letter had been given to Tarcisio Bertone when he was the Vatican's foreign minister.

However, Bertone instead retired from one of the most powerful positions in the Vatican in October 2013, just seven months after Francis was appointed pope.

"I don't know who Cardinal Bertone gave it to, but I gave it to him when he became Minister of Foreign Affairs," the Pope said during an ABC interview.

"This is the first time I've said this," added the Pope.

"Now maybe someone will go and ask Cardinal Bertone to 'give me that letter,"

Pope Francis underwent colon surgery last year and has used wheelchairs and constructs due to knee pain.

However, the supreme leader of the Catholic Church is still undergoing a busy papal schedule, which includes traveling around the world.

In early February, Francis planned to travel around the Democratic Republics of Congo and South Sudan for less than a week.

He was originally scheduled to leave in July but delayed travel due to a knee problem.