Deputy Governor Riza Wants Residents To Report Cafes And Restaurants Violating PSBB, There Are Sanctions To Revoke Business Permits, Said DIa

JAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta will remind again of the existence of sanctions against cafe or restaurant managers who violate the rules of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). The sanctions that will be given range from warning to revocation of business license.

"There are already provisions in the Perda and in the Pergub for those who violate the sanctions ranging from warning to temporary seals to the final revocation of permits, so there are all steps," Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Riza Patria told reporters, Sunday, December 20. .

Although it is undeniable that there are still many cafe or restaurant managers who are cat and mouse with officers. Because, recently several cafes have been proven to have violated the rules. In fact, some of them were found in drug trafficking.

For that, Riza appealed to residents to provide information. So, managers who try to trick officers can be dealt with quickly.

"Please inform us, we will not and we will give sanctions. Even if the information is late, we will propose the sanctions, so the people please convey to us. Later we will give sanctions in accordance with the rules and regulations," he said.

Furthermore, Riza said that in prosecution and supervision, the police and the TNI were assisted. So that regulations can be enforced and the spread of COVID-19 can be resolved quickly.

"We are also Satpol PP supported by Polda Metro and Kodam Jaya and other ranks continue to monitor, supervise, inspect, evaluate and also control discipline on existing regulatory compliance," he said.

As previously reported, joint officers from the Metro Jaya Police's Narcotics Detective Directorate and the TNI and Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) sealed the Vote Bar at Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta. This was done because it violated the transitional Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) health protocol.

"There was a violation of the health protocol which was quite fatal at the Vote. The number of visitors exceeded the capacity in accordance with the provisions," said the Director of Drug Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Mukti Juharsa while visiting the Vote Bar at Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta, Sunday, December 20 in the early hours of the morning.

Mukti explained that the joint team arrived at the Vote Bar at around 01.00 WIB, the place was still operating even though the Governor Regulation only allowed cafes and bars to operate until 21.00 WIB.

Then when the officers checked, the first and second floors of the Vote Bar were still implementing health protocols to maintain distance and limit the number of visitors.

However, when the officers headed to the third floor, it was found that there was a violation of health protocols not to use masks, ignoring recommendations to maintain distance and the number of visitors who exceeded the permitted capacity.

"The visitors also exceed the number (allowed). There are so many," he added.

In addition to conducting health protocol raids, officers also conducted urine tests on all visitors on the third floor of the Vote Bar and found one female visitor who was positive for benzodiazepine type drugs.

"Of the 43 urine tests, one positive for benzo," said Mukti.