Deputy Governor Riza Says The Increase In DKI Cases Happened Due To Data Delays

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Riza Patria, said that the recent increase in the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in the Capital City was due to delays in sending data and accumulating data for several days.

"Then related to COVID-19, there is an increase, which is an accumulation of previous swab tests from state-owned hospitals, yes. So there is often a delay in data entry," Riza told reporters, Sunday, December 20.

With this accumulated data, the number of COVID-19 transmission in Jakarta seems to continue to increase. Moreover, such conditions cause concern in society.

"Not the result of yesterday but from the previous days," said Riza.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health as of December 20, DKI Jakarta Province is in the first position in the most positive cases. At least 1,592 positive cases were found in DKI Jakarta, although for the most recovered cases, DKI Jakarta was also occupied with 1,878 cases.

Meanwhile, the addition of positive cases nationally was 6,982 cases. Then, there were 5,551 cured cases.