Sri Mulyani Supports PLN Electricity 3T Through PMN

PT PLN (Persero) signed a Letter of Commitment (LoC) or integrity pact related to the use of State Capital Participation (PMN) in 2022. Through this LoC, PLN is committed to channeling PMN funds on target so that people can fully enjoy access to electricity.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the government supports PLN's steps to continue to electrify all regions in Indonesia through the provision of PMN. Therefore, the signing is very important as a commitment from PLN to report accountability for the achievements of using PMN received.

"So we are responsible for always being able to convey what we have done for the benefit of the community and the economy," Sri Mulyani said in her direction at the Dhanapala Building, Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, Friday, December 16.

Sri Mulyani hopes that this government investment can produce benefits for the community, especially those who are not yet connected. So that it can have a domino effect on the welfare of the community and the growth of the Indonesian economy.

"Because all Indonesian people wherever they are, are entitled to the same service; education, health, basic infrastructure including electricity. That is what we use to build a sustainable and just Indonesia," said Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo said, PLN is ready to carry out the mandate from the government by using PMN funds to electrify frontier, remote and lagging (3T) areas. This is a step to realize the five-pancasila principle, namely social justice for all Indonesian people.

In particular, PLN will pay attention to areas outside Java because there are still many who have not been touched by electricity. For example in Sumatra, Kalimantan and eastern Indonesia.

"For this reason, we welcome the signing of this commitment, with the PMN funds, the fifth principle of social justice for all Indonesian people, in this case, justice for access to basic infrastructure can be realized throughout the archipelago," said Darmawan.

Darmawan also directed all PLN ranks to be trustworthy in using PMN so that the benefits must be felt by the community directly.

"I direct all PLN ranks to be trustworthy. PMN 2022 must be carried out properly, we will deliver well, so that all of our brothers and sisters can enjoy basic infrastructure, namely access to electricity," said Darmawan.

In 2022, PLN will receive PMN funds of IDR 5 trillion which will be used to provide electricity infrastructure for the 3T community. The government's investment through PLN is carried out to finance various electricity infrastructure.

"By implementing Good Corporate Governance, PMN funds as a form of state presence are used for the development of electricity infrastructure in the 3T region and are the embodiment of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia," concluded Darmawan. (ADV)