Smong Nafi-nafi In The Form Of Tsunami Disaster Mitigation For Simeulue People Become Improud Cultural Heritage

The Department of Tourism and Culture of Simeulue Regency, Aceh Province, stated that the local wisdom of the people of the island district is in the form of "smong nafi-nafi" which is designated as an unobject cultural heritage.

Head of the Simeulue Regency Tourism and Culture Office, Asmanuddin, said that the determination of smong nafi-nafi as an inigeneous cultural heritage was carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

"The proposal of smong nafi-nafi to become an intangible cultural heritage has been carried out since early 2022. Alhamdulillah, the smong nafi-nafi of the Simeulue community is officially recorded as a cultural heritage in Aceh today," said Asmanuddin in Simeulue, Aceh Province, Sunday, December 18, confiscated by Antara.

Smong nafi-nafi is the local wisdom of the island community in the Indian Ocean in the form of traditional speech or stories containing tsunami disaster mitigation.

This hereditary story contains many people on Simeulue Island who survived the earthquake and tsunami disaster on December 26, 2004 that occurred in the Indian Ocean.

Smong nafi-nafi taught the public to immediately save themselves at a height in the event of a large earthquake and reduce sea water because of the potential for large waves or smongs.

In addition to smong nafi-nafi, said Asmanuddin, other local wisdom of Simeulue society which is designated as an intangible cultural heritage, namely nandong, which is a traditional art and typical food with a memek name.

"Currently, there are three cultural heritages without the objects of the people of Simeulue Island who already have a certificate of recognition from the Ministry of Education and Culture," said Asmanuddin.

Asmanuddin said the people of Simeulue Island always maintain the cultural heritage of the previous generation. He also hopes that the current and future generations will preserve it so that it can be passed on to future generations.

"Let's preserve the cultural heritage of our ancestors in Simeulue. In the future, we hope that there will be more cultural heritage or local wisdom of the Simeulue people will be recognized by the government," he said.