The Minister Of Manpower Said 117,782 Residents Of East Lombok Have Been PMI Since 2014, The Most In NTB
Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah said East Lombok Regency has become the largest area of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province since 2014.
"As we all know, East Lombok Regency has been listed as one of the largest regencies from PMI in West Nusa Tenggara with a total placement of 117,782 PMIs since 2014," said Ida during the commemoration of the 2022 International Migrant Day in East Lombok Regency, NTB, Sunday, December 18, was confiscated by Antara.
Ida said, based on data as of 2022, Anjani Village in Suralaga District, East Lombok Regency, had sent 615 PMIs. With details as many as 70 percent work in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan.
After reopening Malaysia as one of the placement destination countries, PMI, which has registered to work in a neighboring country, has touched 100 people until December 2022.
The results of working abroad obtained by PMI so far are expected to improve PMI's standard of living or welfare and their families. In addition, the results of this work have certainly made a positive contribution to economic development in the East Lombok Regency and its surroundings," said Ida.
Sebagai salah satu daerah dengan PMI terbanyak, Ida mengingatkan kepada masyarakat maupun calon PMI, jika bekerja ke luar negeri merupakan pilihan atau alternatif kekerjaan yang dapat dipertimbangkan oleh setiap individu masyarakat.
He hopes that the choice taken by the community to become PMI, is taken after completely feeling ready, including understanding the risks that can arise when working abroad.
Ida even advised people who are interested in becoming PMIs to prepare themselves with complete competencies and documents, seek as much information as possible, either through a migration service center at the village office, or through a One-Stop Integrated Service (LTSA) or the Manpower Service.
The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) itself has created a program called Productive Migrant Village (Desmigrature) to be used as a concept for handling the pockets of migrant workers in an integrated and integrated manner by involving relevant ministries/agencies to empower, protect and serve migrant workers and their families starting from the village.
According to him, the Desmigrative Program can provide benefits, both for the program recipient villages and surrounding villages. In order to provide maximum protection efforts for PMIs from before to after work, Ida asked both the central government and the village level to work together to carry out functions/ roles according to their authority.
Don't be easily persuaded by sweet trials for a moment but bring high risks. If we love our family members, our children, our neighbors. Let's remind each other, to take procedural steps, for the sake of security and comfort of work, so that the purpose and purpose of working abroad can be fulfilled," he said.