The Indonesian Fintech Association Together With The DOOR Of Commitment In Increased Literacy And Community Financial Education

JAKARTA - Indonesia Fintech Summit Fourth & Month National Fintech (BFN) 2022 has entered a series of closings on 12 and 13 December 2022 at the Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta.

At the closing of the event was attended by Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G. Plate, Governor of Bank Indonesia Perry Warjiyo, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority Mirza Adityaswara, Deputy Commissioner of the Financial Services Authority and Digital Finance Imansyah, Secretary General of the Indonesian Fintech Association (AFTECH) Budi Gandasoebrata, and representatives of associations from various digital financial sectors, to business actors in the financial sector, one of which is in the field of crypto digital assets such as gate applications.

Budi Gandasoebrata, Secretary General of AFTECH expressed his hope from the fourth IFS and 2022 BFN events.

"Just like AFTECH's activities in previous years, we hope that IFN and BFN 2022 can create conditions and situations for players in the industry to be better. In addition, from a regulatory perspective, it is also expected to support and encourage growth to achieve AFTECH's final mission in creating better financial literacy, education and inclusion for the Indonesian people through various industries from payment, lending, funding, and crypto asset players," Budi said in his statement, Friday, December 16.

Malikulkusno (Dimas) Utomo, General Counsel GATE fully supports AFTECH activities.

"In optimizing education from a financial perspective to the public, we give high appreciation to AFTECH for being given the opportunity to be able to enliven BFN 2022 activities by providing full support in organizing BFN 2022 activities. We are optimistic that the entire series of activities held by AFTECH can be a forum that has a positive impact on the community, especially in increasing education and literacy in the fintech industry in Indonesia, which continues to increase every year," he said.

The fintech industry in various sectors continues to grow in terms of its users. Among other things, based on data from Bank Indonesia regarding Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) users, it has reached more than 25 million people by November 2022.

From the investment sector also experienced a very significant increase, such as data quoted from the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) where in November 2022 the number of capital market investors had reached 10.15 million. Meanwhile, for crypto investors, based on data from the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (BAPPEBTI), the number reached 16.3 million in September 2022.

The digital financial industry in Indonesia, from the payment system, e-money, e-wallet, to the crypto industry, all of which have the same challenges, especially new industries such as crypto whose growth is quite fast but the understanding is still minimal. The biggest challenge is to open up more insights and education so that people will know more about the crypto industry or other digital finance like what, what future benefits and how to contribute to a better economy for Indonesia.

"Another challenge is to open public awareness of the crypto industry and work closely with regulators to create a conducive situation so that the crypto industry grows and is not hindered by too strict regulations," said Budi Gandasoebrata.

"Indonesia is a country with very dynamic regulations and supports industrial growth, just like crypto. Talking about crypto regulation, Indonesia is the leading country compared to other countries from tax rules, travel rules, anti-money laundry, to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). All regulations or regulations related to the digital finance and crypto industry in Indonesia are very good and have a collaborative role between various parties, from government, business actors, associations, to involving the community, one of which is through IFN and BFN 2022 activities, "added Dimas.

The Indonesian Fintech Association (AFTECH) is again holding the Indonesia Fintech Summit (IFS) and the 2022 National Fintech Month (BFN) with the big theme Moving Forward Together; The Role of Digital Finance & Fintech in Promoting Resilient Economic Growth and Financial Stability.

In this BFN event, PT Pintu Kemana Saja (DOOR), a crypto asset investment and buying and selling platform which is a permanent member of AFTECH, had the opportunity to become one of the sponsors of the crypto industry who participated in the success of activities organized by AFTECH.