The Ministry Of Finance Is Called The Devil By The Regent Of Meranti, Sri Mulyani's Subordinates Singgung Allocation Of Transfer Funds To Regions

The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) held a meeting of journalists regarding the socialization of the profit-sharing fund policy (DBH) distributed by the central government to local governments (Pemda).

This agenda is also a momentum for Sri Mulyani's ranks to respond to the statement by the Regent of the Meranti Islands Muhammad Adil who called the Ministry of Finance the devils for their dissatisfaction with the DBH received.

Director of Budget for Human Development and Culture of the Ministry of Finance Putut Hari Satyaka said, DBH is part of the mobilization of state expenditures distributed to local governments through a transfer mechanism to the regions (TKD).

"In addition to TKD, the other large portion of spending is central government spending through ministries/agencies and subsidized spending. Actually, the majority of these two things are also channeled to people in the regions," he said in Jakarta on Friday, December 16.

For information, the allocation of TKD this year reached around Rp800 trillion. This figure is equivalent to a third of state expenditure in the 2022 State Budget. In fact, the budget is added to the 2023 State Budget Law which was passed by the DPR some time ago.

Putut added, from that value it can be seen that the disbursement of central funds to the regions is actually very large, including the allocation for subsidies, social assistance, and infrastructure development. This scheme is intended to provide the maximum welfare for people throughout the archipelago.

So it can be seen how much was taken from the regions, including Meranti. How much was taken from Meranti compared to what the central government returned in various forms of spending. That's higher that the central government issued to Meranti Regency," he said.

As is known, the Regent of Meranti Muhammad Adil had made a tone of dissatisfaction with the Ministry of Finance because the profit-sharing funds received were considered less than they should have been.

Responding to this polemic, the Ministry of Home Affairs through the Director General of Regional Finance Agus Fatoni took the initiative to facilitate both parties to have a dialogue so that they can immediately resolve the problems that occur.

Meanwhile, a meeting between the Ministry of Finance and the Regent of Meranti is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, December 20 next week at the Office of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Jakarta.