Called The Devil By The Regent Of Meranti, Ministry Of Finance: Husnudzon Only, Maybe Seeing It Remang-remang

JAKARTA The Special Staff of the Minister of Finance for Strategic Communications Yustinus Prastowo said that his party suspected that there was a disagreement over the central profit-sharing fund (DBH) to the regions which was later questioned by the Regent of the Meranti Islands, Muhammad Adil.

According to him, the regional leader may use the overall oil production data. Whereas from the production, not all of them can be used as oil that burns after going through the processing process.

This production is larger in number, but not all of them are hydrocarbons (which can be utilized). Like sand and other components of petroleum. So there is unused material," he said when holding a press conference with reporters in Jakarta on Friday, December 16.

According to Yustinus, this inequality can also be triggered by world oil price standards and Indonesian crude oil price (ICP) benchmark prices.

"We also have an ICP calculation formula taken from an average of 93 types of crude oil in Indonesia," he said.

Yustinus added that the polemic that occurred over the DBH being sued by the Meranti Regent was solely caused by differences of view distance.

"We should just have ahusnudzon, have a good attitude. This is just a difference in how to see it. Some are looking very close, like Pek Heru (Coordinator of PNBP Migas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources), some see it a bit far away or dim, "he said.

As previously reported by the editors, the Regent of Meranti Muhammad Adil had mentioned the ranks of the Ministry of Finance as demons and demons in a video clip that went viral on social media.

Adil made this statement as a form of disappointment with the state treasury agency over the oil and gas DBH which was deemed inappropriate.

"This person (the Ministry of Finance) contains a demon or a demon? Today, sir (Director General of Fiscal Balance at the Ministry of Finance Luky Alfirman) I chased you here. I want to know the clarity (about DBH)," said fair.