Christmas And New Year Holidays, Community Mobility Is Predicted To Rise 44 Million

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that there would be an increase in community mobility during the Christmas and New Year's turns. The number is predicted to reach 44 million people.

"Based on data from the Ministry of Transportation, there will be an increase of 44 million that will carry out mobility," General Sigit told reporters at the National Police Headquarters, Friday, December 16.

With the prediction of an increase, the National Police will coordinate with related institutions. The goal is to prepare various things such as road infrastructure to security.

"This afternoon we all discussed how to prepare road infrastructure so that year-end homecoming can run well as at that time it was implemented," he said.

On the other hand, Sigit also mentioned that the cause of the increase in mobility was due to many public activities that had gone on holiday. For example, the education sector and the business economy.

"The mobility of community activities is increasing, both from the community who will carry out homecoming, who will carry out holidays and carry out holidays because schools and of course people who work are off," said Sigit.

Previously it was reported that the National Police ensured that the 2022 Christmas and New Year 2023 holidays were safe. A total of 102,000 personnel were deployed to prevent disturbances in security and public order.

"For the police, the number of forces that will be held for the safety of Naru is 102,000 personnel. Then for the relevant agencies there are 32,000 personnel," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo.

There are several security schemes for the Christmas and New Year holidays that will be implemented, one of which is ketupat operation.

However, in detail regarding other security schemes, Dedi could not convey it. The reason is that the National Police and related parties will hold a coordination meeting first regarding this matter.

"We really have to anticipate well, starting from the spread of Bakauheni-Merak and all of Trans Java. We really have to control it well," he said.

Based on temporary data, there are 508 points that will be the focus of security. Some examples, such as places of worship, tourist attractions, and routes or routes that will be used by the community.