Lecet Foot After Wearing Shoe, Here's How To Prevent It
JAKARTA - Abrasions because shoes can cause pain. This certainly makes you uncomfortable when doing activities. Well, so that the wound recovers quickly, there are some simple ways you can do it. You also need to know how to prevent it so that your leg doesn't get abrasions anymore.
Abrasions due to the use of shoes can be avoided by using socks. Launching Huffpost, Friday, December 16, podiatrist experts recommend avoiding socks with cotton. The reason is, cotton absorbs moisture and this can cause the feet to become abrasions or moisturized. It's better to look for socks made of▁ibucene or synthetic fiber such as nylon and x-static. If your feet sweat easily, experts also suggest sprinkled powder on your feet before using socks.
If you have abrasions, of course you need to avoid the cause. Yes, don't use shoes for a while. Look for alternatives such as sandals that have an open model. It's important to remember that new shoes are the cause of your abrasions. So you should wear these shoes only 30 minutes a day for a week so that the shoes are not too stiff anymore.
You can use additional pads on your shoes to keep your feet from friction, so that abrasions can be prevented. In addition, you can also stick a plaster or duct tape of paper over your heels or to your toe so you don't get abrasions.
Before wearing shoes or high heels, apply petroleum jelly on the legs that is prone to abrasions. This method can prevent injuries due to skin friction from rough surfaces.
Although it is not classified as dangerous, the abrasions because the shoes need to be handled properly so that the wound does not get worse or even get infected. Also do ways to prevent it so that your legs are abrasion free and you can move freely.