Home Affairs Minister Tito About 3M Preventing COVID-19: I Don't Feel Comfortable, I Want 4M

JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian wants 3M's appeal, namely to wear a mask, wash hands, and maintain distance plus 1M. The addition of 1M is to avoid the crowd so that it becomes 4M.

"I often complain, apologize, in 3M language. I'm not really comfortable. I want 4M, it should be 4M," said Tito when he was a speaker at the 2020 Innovative Government Awards (IGA) in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday 18 December.

The Minister of Home Affairs considered that the appeal to avoid the crowd was often overlooked by many parties. Even though the most dangerous thing in the current COVID-19 pandemic is the crowd.

"This is the most dangerous, this crowd. So, you must avoid the crowd," said Tito.

Tito said the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has started using the 4M terminology.

According to him, Ministry of Home Affairs employees do not forget to avoid crowds in their activities outside the home.

Moreover, in the last few days, said Tito, what had happened most was the crowd, one of which was the crowd of demonstrations.

According to Tito, the Ministry of Home Affairs has started practicing efforts to comply with the 4M rule during the 2020 simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada).

One of the efforts to comply with the 4M rule carried out by the Ministry of Home Affairs is to replace the campaign rules that were previously carried out with large numbers of people to limited meetings with a maximum of 50 people.

The Minister of Home Affairs is of the opinion that the same rules can actually be applied to public expression activities or demonstrations.

This, he said, was so that law enforcement officers could prevent the occurrence of large-scale transmission of COVID-19 and tracer personnel were able to track people who participated in the activity of expressing opinions (contact tracing) if someone tested positive for COVID-19.

"The demonstration can still be carried out, but it must be adaptive to the pandemic situation. The demonstration that thousands of people has become a 'superspreader', the spread of COVID-19 has become very large. How does he want to 'contact tracing' people who are positive, the virus moves to other people. "Other people. In my opinion, limit it to 50 people," said Tito.