The Lawyer Said That Nurhadi's House Renovation From The Swallow Bird Business Was Not The Result Of Corruption

JAKARTA - Muhammad Rudjito, lawyer for the former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi, said that the renovation of his client's house, which reached billions of rupiah, came from the swallow nest business.

Rudjito said the team of lawyers will reveal evidence of the construction or renovation of a number of Nurhadi's assets from the swallow nest business.

"We have evidence, Pak Nurhadi has a swallow business, until now it is still running. Later it will be proven by him during the examination of the defendant," he said as quoted by Antara, Jakarta, Friday, December 18.

According to Rudjito, Nurhadi's swallow nest business was quite successful. Currently, he said, Nurhadi has around 12 swallow nest businesses.

"What is clear is that more than 8 are all in the LHKPN. There are about 12 swallow nest businesses," he said.

Rudjito also said that the renovation and construction of Nurhadi's assets were never included in the indictment prepared by the prosecutor. The indictment prepared by the prosecutor, he said, only covered the alleged bribery and gratification of Nurhadi and his son-in-law, Rezky Herbiyono.

"I need to convey that the witnesses have also testified that there was indeed a renovation to the construction of Pak Nurhadi's asset house. But the matter of building the house was never accused in this case," he said.

Rudjito suspects that the KPK prosecutor is looking for evidence of another crime, in this case the crime of money laundering (TPPU). In fact, the flow of money for case management as indicted by the KPK prosecutors has not been revealed.

"The KPK has submitted evidence that is irrelevant to the indictment. So until now, the KPK has not been able to prove the existence of money flows or case management," he said.

Previously, in a follow-up hearing in the case of alleged bribery and gratuity related to case management at the Supreme Court (MA) which was held at the Corruption Court in Jakarta, Friday, the prosecutor demanded that the general present a witness who was a contractor who built and renovated a number of assets belonging to Nurhadi named Budi Sutanto.

Budi Sutanto testified for the defendant Nurhadi and his son-in-law Rezky Herbiyono.

The KPK prosecutor read out the investigation report (BAP) Budi Sutanto. The BAP stated that the cost of renovating Nurhadi's house in Patal Senayan reached Rp. 14,500,792,707, renovating two houses in Hang Lekir, South Jakarta worth Rp. 770,920,707 and Rp. 741,439,876, and remodeling at District 8 Apartment SCBD, South Jakarta, Rp. 3. 900,729,880.

Nurhadi and his son-in-law, Rezky Herbiyono, were charged with accepting bribes amounting to IDR45,726 billion from the President Director of PT Multicon Indrajaya Terminal (MIT) 2014-2016 Hiendra Soenjoto and gratuities worth IDR 37,287 billion from a number of parties in the 2014-2017 period.