Considered To Have Give False Testimony, The Defendant's Kubu Agus Nurpatra Ancam Pidanakan Irfan Widyanto

JAKARTA - Witness Irfan Widyanto is considered to have given false or false testimony in the trial of the obstruction of justice case of the death of Brigadier J. He is threatened with punishment.

Irfan's testimony, which was considered a lie, began when the defendant's legal adviser Agus Nurpatra asked about the order received by Irfan to replace the CCTV DVR from the house of the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Police, Ridwan Soplanit.

"Just then did you take CCTV at Mr. Ridwan without Mr. Agus?" asked the defendant's legal adviser Agus Nurpatra during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday, December 15.

"That's right, without Pak Agus," answered Irfan.

"The fact at the trial of Mr. Ridwan states that you are sorry that the order from Acay? Which one was ordered by Mr. Agus or Acay's order?" said the legal adviser.

"At that time, Mr. Ridwan was asked, 'Who's the order of the foster brother?' My hand touched on this (increase Agus). The position behind me is Mr. Agus. Indeed, there is no Mr. Ari Cahya there. And there was no order from Mr. Ari Cahya," said Irfan.

Hearing this testimony, legal adviser Agus Nurpatra immediately branded Irfan Widyanto lying. In fact, threatening to criminalize this

"Your Honor, please note that there are statements from witnesses who lie that we will take legal action after the inkrah," said the defendant's legal adviser.

"Which one is lying?" asked the judge.

Irfan's statement which was judged a lie was about the absence of an order to take CCTV DVR at Ridwan Soplanit's house.

Based on the examination procedure file (BAP), Irfan admitted that Ari Cahya (Acay) ordered it to take CCTV.

"Soplanit stated that this witness said the order from Apay. That's the facts of the trial. But the witness currently has no print from Acay," said legal adviser Agus Nurpatria.

Responding to this, the judge straightened it out. According to him, Ridwan Soplanit in the previous trial only said that Irfan had introduced himself as Ari Cahya's subordinate alias Acay.

"This is what I participated in in the trial from the start, he said when he met Soplanit, you introduced yourself to 'I am Akay's subordinates'. That's what was mentioned like that. Still remembers me. There was no order from Acay. He introduced himself. Acay's subordinates were conveyed by Soplanit," said Judge Wahyu.

However, Agus Nurpatra's camp still considered that Irfan Widyanto lied. The contents of the BAP Ridwan Soplanit were read out.

"We read out BAP Soplanit's statement at No. 13 at that time, Irfan answered Bang Acay's order," said legal adviser Agus Nurpatra.