Understanding What It Is Persecution, Cause And Rules Of Sentence In The Criminal Code

YOGYAKARTA - Persecution cases often occur in Indonesia. The victim of this persecution is often an individual and the perpetrator is in groups or several people. It was recently reported that a household assistant was a victim of abuse by eight people.

Polda Metro Jaya revealed a case of abuse by two employers of a married couple against an ART in a Simprug Apartment unit, South Jakarta. A total of eight people were named suspects in this barbaric case that lasted for five months.

The suspects abused the victim with various actions, ranging from hitting, pouring hot water, to forcing the victim to eat his own dirt and dog droppings. The suspects were also charged with Article 333 of the Criminal Code or Article 170 or Article 315 and or Article 44 and or Article 45 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning Domestic Violence Juncto Articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code.

This case of persecution in a barbaric way drew public attention. What is the case of persecution and the pattern of action?

The word persecution based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) means an arbitrary act against a person or a number of residents, and then hurt, made it difficult, or crushed. This action can be done in the form of torture or persecution regardless of humanity.

Persekusi has been declared a crime against humanity since 1993 with the adoption of the International Court Statute for Rwanda (ICTR). A year later, the International Court for Crime Statute in the Ex-United States (ICTY) also included persecution as a form of crimes against humanity.

Damar Juniarto explained the meaning of persecution as an act of hunting down other people or certain groups by an arbitrary and systematic party. According to him, this action is different from playing the judge himself.

Masyhur Effendi and Taufani Sukmana explained the meaning of persecution as intentional and cruel confiscation of basic rights and were related to eliminating group identities which were violations of international law.

Persekusi adalah tindakan yang dilarang oleh hukum, agama, dan kemanusiaan. Namun sampai saat ini masih saja ditemukan adanya tindakan persekusi baik di luar negeri maupun di Indonesia. Lalu apa penyebabnya masih terjadinya perskusi?

The punishment for the Persecution crime case is regulated in the Criminal Code (KUHP). What are the articles that discuss it?

Anyone with the intention of unlawfully benefiting himself or another person, forcing someone with violence or threats of violence to give something, completely or partly belonging to that person or someone else, or to create debt or write off receivables, is threatened with extortion with imprisonment for a maximum of nine months.

anyone with the intention of unlawfully benefiting himself or others. with the threat of defamation either verbally or in writing, or with the threat of revealing secrets, forcing people to give something completely or partly belonging to that person or someone else. or in order to create debt or write off receivables, is threatened with imprisonment for a maximum of four years.

The persecution is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of two years and eight months or a maximum fine of four thousand five hundred rupiahs. (2) If the act results in serious injuries, the guilty are threatened with a maximum imprisonment of five years. (3) If it results in death, it is punishable by a maximum imprisonment of seven years. (4) With the persecution it is equivalent to intentionally damaging health. (5) Experiments to commit this crime are not punished.

"Whoever openly urges and with joint energy uses violence against people or goods, is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of five years and six months".

That is the understanding of what persecution and articles that discuss punishment for this action. If you experience or see any acts of persecution, the victim or witness can report it to the police. The victim can also report it to the Anti-Persequency Coalysis.

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