There Are Buffaloes Suddenly The Most Offset Rel And Sawunggalih Train Collision

JAKARTA - The journey of six trains was delayed due to a buffalo crashing into the 154C Sawunggalih train, the Pasarsenen-Kutoarjo relation at KM 309+6/7 plots of the Bumiayu-Linggapura road

"At 12.03 WIB earlier, the KA Control Center received information from the 154C train driver that the locomotive had a buffalo (hit) impact," said Public Relations Manager of PT Kereta Api Indonesia for Operation 5 Purwokerto Krisbiyantoro in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Wednesday, December 14.

According to him, the incident occurred after the buffalo was used to pull pirates in the fields and would be brought home by its owner, Ratmo, a resident of Dekuh Kedawung RT 01 RW 07, Galuh Timur Village, Tonjong District, Brebes Regency, Central Java.

Before the incident occurred, the buffalo were on their way home walking beside the rail line.

"But when the 154C train passed, the buffalo ran across the rail line, so it hit the 154C train locomotive," Krisbiyantoro explained.

Shortly after the incident, he added, KA 154C stopped extraordinary at that place to check the locomotive by the driver.

The results of the check are known, the plug in the locomotive is broken, so the locomotive loses energy or its performance decreases.

"Therefore, KA 154C must undergo a replacement for the locomotive," he said.

Furthermore, Krisbiyantoro said that as a result of the incident, the 154C Sawunggalih train trip and five other trains were delayed.

In this case, KA 154C Sawunggalih departs from Bumiayu Station at 13.18 WIB or 82 minutes later, KA 10C Argo Dwipangga departs from Purwokerto Station at 14:12 WIB or 60 minutes late, KA 82D Taksaka direct position Patuguruan Station at 13.55 WIB or 49 minutes later.

Furthermore, KA 190C Joglosemarkerto departs at Bumiayu Station at 14.05 WIB or 53 minutes late, KA 121D Bangunkarta departs at Bumiayu Station at 13.28 WIB or 28 minutes late, and KA 135B Mataram departs at Bumiayu Station at 14.03 WIB or 30 minutes late.

"As a result of this incident, KAI provided phase 1 service recovery (SR) in the form of soft drinks to affected passengers. We apologize on behalf of KAI for the delay that occurred," said Krisbiyantoro.

In addition, he said, his party appealed to the entire community not to carry out any activities in the railway line area, because the area is very dangerous.