Employment Field Absorption Is A BUMN Business Priority

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir revealed that job opening is a concern for SOEs.

According to Erick, the slick performance of SOEs in recent years must be directly proportional to job growth.

"Since the pandemic, employment has become one of the issues that we must address. SOEs must certainly be present when the community needs assistance," said Erick in response to a written media question, Wednesday, December 14.

Therefore, Erick asked SOEs to always place job creation as a priority in every business project or program that is to be rolled out.

He said that increasing employment will have a big impact on the movement of the Indonesian economy. "In addition to creating jobs in every project or program, we consistently invite the nation's children to join the BUMN extended family through the BUMN (RBB) batch 2 recruitment program," said Erick. The program that has been running for the second year is a commitment of SOEs in creating jobs.

Erick assessed that SOEs as a third of economic strength not only contribute to economic growth, but also have a direct impact on society.

In the BUMN (RBB) batch 2 recruitment program, according to Erick, there are at least 38 SOEs that are ready to receive 898 prospective employees in the RBB Batch 2 program.

Registration for RBB 2022 Batch 2 has taken place from 1 to 7 December 2022.

"Regeneration is the key word in maintaining the sustainability of transformation in SOEs. For that, we open up opportunities for the best sons and daughters to join SOEs and contribute to the country," said Erick.

On this occasion, Erick also asked SOEs not to be complacent about a number of positive achievements, including having created jobs for around 45 million people outside the formal sector, covering 32.1 million BRI people's business credit customers, 12.7 million MSME sector workers at PNM Mekaar.

Then, 439,000 workers cultivate forest villages, 163,761 farmers who are members of the Prosperous Program, 210,000 farmers of the PTPN partnership program, up to 270,000 informal workers who are absorbed and spread across the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Bukit Asam.

"With all the resources, I have the belief that SOEs can do much greater than what has been given today," said Erick.